US Residents
US residents are able to make tax deductible donations in favour of Dulwich College by giving to the British Schools and Universities Foundation, Inc (‘BSUF’), which is a charitable organisation recognised by the US Internal Revenue Service under section 501(c)(3) of their Codes.
BSUF was founded more than 40 years ago to allow US residents to support British schools and universities in a tax efficient manner, and today supports more than 100 such institutions. Dulwich College is a full member, allowing our supporters to receive full tax exemption on their gifts.
Donations can be made by downloading a US Donor Transmittal Form and sending it, together with your cheque (made payable British Schools and Universities Foundation), to BSUF at the address below. Please note that donors are asked to express a ‘preference’ for Dulwich College in their covering letter – although such preferences are respected by the board of BSUF, the law requires all grants to be made at its sole discretion.
Donations and completed gift forms should be sent to:
British Schools and Universities Foundation,
641 Lexington Avenue, 15th Fl.
New York, NY 10022-4503
(212) 662-5576
Discover More
Development Office
0208 299 5335