Types of Gifts in Wills
There are several types of gifts that you can leave in your will. We would advise that you explore all options with your solicitor or will writer. The types of gifts we most frequently receive are:
Residuary Gift
Leaves all or part of your estate remaining after all other gifts have been made and expenses have been met. This is the safest way to ensure your legacy retains its value.
Pecuniary Gift
Leaves a specified, set sum of money. You can index link the amount to the Retail Price Index to avoid the problems associated with inflation.
Reversionary Gift
Allows you to leave assets to the College whilst giving a named person the benefit of the assets during his or her lifetime.
Your solicitor or will writer will be able to advise you further on these and other giving options.
If you would like to learn more about remembering Dulwich College in your will, please contact Kathi Palitz, Head of Philanthropy, via email palitzks@dulwich.org.uk or phone 020 8299 5369.