Self Invested Pension Plan (SIPP)
More and more people are deciding to provide for themselves in retirement and for their spouse or civil partner after their death through a Self Invested Pension Plan (SIPP). In certain circumstances, you can nominate a registered charity or charities to receive your SIPP fund if there are no qualifying dependants after your death or after the death or yourself and your spouse/civil partner.
We would be honoured if you were to consider Dulwich College as your nominated charity, or one of your nominated charities, that may benefit from your SIPP. Properly authorised payments from SIPP funds to charities will be exempt from the potential inheritance tax that can be chargeable on the SIPP fund. However, the rules, administration and taxation relating to SIPPs are complex, and we therefore recommend that you consult your SIPP provider for more information.
It can be important to nominate your preferred charity or charities at an early stage in the life of your SIPP, and strict time limits and technical rules may apply to the distribution or allocation of funds from the SIPP. Please consult your SIPP provider for more information.
If you would like to learn more about remembering Dulwich College in your will, please contact Kathi Palitz, Head of Philanthropy, via email or phone 020 8299 5369.