Q: I already have a will. Is it simple to change my existing will?
A: Yes. Even if you already have a will, you can still make a provision to remember the College. We recommend that you speak with your solicitor or will writer to revise your will.
Q: How is my inheritance tax affected if I remember Dulwich in my will?
A: If you choose to remember Dulwich in your will, you may be able to reduce the taxable value of your assets and so lower the amount of tax due on your estate. Dulwich College is a registered charity (no. 1150064), so gifts left to the College are free from capital gains tax and inheritance tax. We recommend that you speak with your solicitor or will writer for further information. You can also view the HMRC's guidance on inheritance tax.
Q: Can you advise on appropriate wording to put into my will?
A: As every will is different, we recommend that you speak to your solicitor or will writer to find the most appropriate wording for you.
Q: What impact can my gift have?
A: We will do whatever we can to respect our supporters' wishes, and we understand that supporters may like to direct their gift to different areas of the school. You can make a gift to Dulwich to support where the need is greatest, or you can support or a more specific area, for example, student bursaries. We recommend that you reach out to us so that we can help you to make your desired impact.
Q: Can the College claim Gift Aid on a gift in my will?
A: Unfortunately, the Gift Aid scheme does not apply to gifts in wills.
Q: What happens if one of my beneficiaries dies before me?
A: Your solicitor or will writer can draft the will in such a way that if one of your beneficiaries dies, either the gift reverts to the main estate (reversionary will) or that another person is nominated (conditional). We recommend that you speak with your solicitor or will writer for further information.
Q: Do I need to let Dulwich know that I have left a gift in my will?
We understand that the decision to remember Dulwich in your will is a personal matter, but we hope that you will tell us about your gift so that we can recognise your generosity, thank you and welcome you to our Canon Carver Society. Of course, if you wish to remain anonymous, we will honour your wishes. Any information that you share with us will be kept private and confidential.
Q: How do I contact Dulwich to let the College know of my intentions or ask questions?
A: If you would like to tell us of your intentions or ask questions, please contact Kathi Palitz, Head of Philanthropy, via email palitzks@dulwich.org.uk or phone 020 8299 5369.