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The Form Tutor has the direct and daily responsibility for monitoring the wellbeing of their pupils. The Tutor acts as the first point of contact for parents and in school is likely to be the person who knows the boys in his or her class best.

Beyond registering boys at the start of the school day, in most cases the Tutor will also teach the form in his/her specialist subject alongside running weekly Wellbeing sessions. This enables them to increase their knowledge of their tutees and to deal with any issues should they arise. Each year group has a Year Head who line manages the Form Tutor and who will address any serious pastoral (and academic) concerns.

On arrival at the College each boy is allocated to a Day House. His Housemaster will provide further care and guidance, helping to monitor participation in co-curricular activities alongside the Tutor.

Although many parents and boys new to the College often show a concern for its size, we believe that our well established pastoral system ensures that the individual needs of boys (and their parents) are well attended to and that the continuity of care is guaranteed.

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Fiona Angel

Acting Master

Mrs Fiona Angel BA

Elliot Read

Deputy Master Pastoral and Co-curricular

Mr Elliot Read MA