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Advanced Electives

We believe that there is much beyond their A level syllabuses that pupils should learn and understand. Therefore, in addition to their chosen subjects, all students in the Remove will take two ‘Advanced Electives’: 10-week courses taught for one period per week over the Michaelmas and Lent terms. We believe that these will fire their enthusiasm, help them to develop expertise beyond the core curriculum, and hone their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, making them mature and independent pupils.

Find out how our Advanced Electives programme gives students the opportunity to experience university-style learning.

Courses fall broadly into three areas:

  1. rigorous academic extension to subjects
  2. 21st century skills
  3. interdisciplinary links between subjects

The Electives, include subjects such as Law, Finance, Astrophysics, Medicine and Business, and reflect the specialisms of teachers at Dulwich and our partner schools, JAGS and Sydenham High.

Courses are a distinct and enriching component of our Upper School provision, introducing students to new aspects of the subjects they are considering for university, or the professions they might pursue afterwards. They will provide the opportunity for students to see how their chosen subject relates to the world at large and to develop compelling university applications, built on real passions and deep reading.  

Advanced Electives infographic


Students attend Art workshop

The Advanced Electives provide Dulwich students the opportunity to learn together with Year 12s from JAGS and Sydenham High School in a manner which replicates the seminar-style, independent learning of universities and tertiary education. The lack of examination, characteristic of all courses, encourages freedom of thought and intellectual risk-taking.

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