House Drama
"What a superb evening of House Drama; it is always a highlight of the year. The adjudicator gave such informative and clear assessments of each production and focused on things that we in the audience often take for granted, in particular the physicality of the actors and the sheer skill needed to make complicated things look simple”
Mandy Reid (Parent)
We stage three drama festivals every year with, in total, 24 performance pieces produced, performed and staged by boys in the Upper, Middle and Lower Schools.
Independent adjudicators regularly comment on the high standard of the work produced by the boys and the diversity of material they choose to adapt and direct. House Drama is inclusive in its provision, while expecting and encouraging the highest goals – the cups and prizes are fiercely contested!
“Yet again the Drama Staff have inspired my son to reach out of his comfort zone and explore new experiences! He has never acted before. We are delighted with the encouragement he has been given and the wonderful acknowledgement he has received”.
Lower School House Drama 2015
Middle School House Drama 2015
Report and pictures
Additional photos
Upper School House Drama 2014