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The Combined Cadet Force is a thriving co-curricular organisation for boys at the College and girls from James Allen’s Girls' School. The CCF provides a unique opportunity and framework for pupils from our Foundation's two single-sex schools to work alongside each other on a weekly basis and develop qualities of endurance, resourcefulness, self-reliance, responsibility and leadership. It also aims to engender a sense of public service. The Contingent at Dulwich has a ‘Section’ from each of the three services: Army, Navy and RAF.

Voluntary membership

Membership of the CCF is voluntary with boys and girls (cadets) joining from Year 9. Cadets choose the section that most appeals to them and then take part in activities appropriate to that service. We parade (meet) on Tuesdays each week after school, when cadets cover the training syllabus.

Camps and training courses

In addition to the weekly training at the College, we take the cadets away on camps. During term time we organise one or two weekends away, while longer camps are organised during the holidays. As well as the UK-based camps and visits, there are many opportunities for cadets to travel abroad, including the Arctic Circle in North Sweden, France, and North Africa. Senior cadets are also offered the chance to go on specialist courses during which they can experience the very best CCF military and adventurous training.


The Contingent is directed and managed by a dedicated team consisting of teaching staff who have been commissioned into the Forces with officer status and trained specifically to serve the Cadet Force. We also have our own full-time School Instructor, a former Coldstream Guards' CSgt (Mr Scott Swalwell). In addition to our own CCF Officers, we are routinely visited by regular Forces personnel.

After Dulwich

Several of our senior cadets have been awarded Sixth Form Scholarships, University Scholarships and Bursaries from the Services. As members of the CCF, boys (and girls) are presented with opportunities, training and experiences that go beyond the norm.

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Contingent Commander
Captain Jon Fox

Head of the Royal Navy Section
Lieutenant Harrison Minter

Head of the Army Section and School Staff Instructor
Captain Scott Swalwell