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While the classroom remains central to College life, we see co-curricular activities - so called because they complement pupils’ studies, rather than merely being an ‘extra’ – as vital to a rounded education.

Our full programme allows all pupils – be they novices, amateurs or elite performers – to enjoy a range of sporting, cultural, charitable and adventurous activities, and engagement brings many benefits. There is truth in the paradox that those most engaged outside the classroom tend to enjoy success within it, and co-curricular participation boosts pupils’ self-esteem as their achievements are celebrated. Through their broad involvement, pupils foster attributes which contribute to their personal development and can be transferred to their studies and beyond, such as perseverance, initiative, resilience, self-discipline, and adaptability. Lastly, the co-curricular affords opportunities for pupils to work in different groups and teams (including those from other schools), and also to engage with members of staff who aren’t always their subject teachers.

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