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Middle School

There are around 200 boys in each of the three year groups in Middle School (Years 9 to 11). Our aim is for boys to progress into the Upper School as self-assured young men with a confidence derived from their success in their academic subjects as well as the independence they have developed in managing their time and being able to recognise their strengths and weaknesses.

Hear more from our Middle School pupils about College life in this short film...

Outside the classroom we want to see boys develop as individuals. These are the years when they begin to seek greater independence in a quest to become ‘their own man'. We encourage boys to discover new pursuits beyond the classroom and have found that interests developed at this time often become lifelong. We consider that gentle encouragement by the Form Tutor for boys to become involved in co-curricular activities is the healthiest approach and Heads of Year provide further guidance and support as required. The House competitions and the various clubs and societies available help provide our boys with a wealth of opportunities which all contribute towards their development in confidence, self-reliance and responsibility.

Please contact the Registrar's office if you would like more information, or to arrange a visit.

Mr Sameer Tanna
Head of Middle School

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Sameer Tanna

Mr Sameer Tanna BA

Head of Middle School

Middle School Office

Mrs Karen Milburn
Middle School Secretary
020 8299 9255