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Learning Support

The Learning Support Department offers assistance and support to pupils who are able to access an academic curriculum but who may need extra help to fulfil their potential. We celebrate and respect neurological differences (neurodiversity). We are experienced in supporting pupils with diagnosed learning differences including Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC); however, not all the pupils we support have a diagnosis.

The Senior School Learning Support Department consists of the Head of Learning Support and a Deputy, three Learning Support Teachers and an Administrator, who work with pupils in Years 7 to 13. Our support for pupils with a variety of Learning Support needs includes those on EHC plans, details of which are available on request. We assist pupils in many different ways including developing reading comprehension and spelling skills, personal organisation, study and revision strategies, and social skills. The department works closely with form tutors, subject teachers and Heads of Year, providing advice on appropriate classroom strategies and delivering professional training on special educational needs. 

The Head of Learning Support is the College’s main point of contact regarding access arrangements for public examinations. She works closely with the Deputy Head of Learning Support and the examinations department to ensure that all examination concessions (including 25% extra time and the use of a word processor) are put in place during school and public examinations for those boys who qualify for them.

The department regularly and frequently communicates with parents to ensure that they are fully informed throughout the process of support. Staff work closely together to enable all pupils to fulfil their potential and feel positive about their learning.

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Ms Janine Carmichael BSc NASENCO

Head of Learning Support

Ms Katie Harding BA PGCert NASENCO

Deputy Head of Learning Support