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Examination Results

10 Year Synopsis

  2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2022  2023 2024

A Level

Candidate Numbers 210 208 198 234 224 230 234 251 227 239
% A* 27.5 26 32.1 26.4 29.8 26.8 28.3 51.9 30.4 31.1
% A*/A 67.9 62.6 63.2 62.8 62.3 61.5 63.4 81.8 66 63.2
% Pass 100 100 100 99.9 100 99.3 99.3 100 99.6 99.5
Number with 3 As or better 104 83 82 98 101 93 97 173 110 100
Number with 100% A*/A 89 73 78 91 94 79 89 159 100 92


Candidate Numbers 200 219 207 208 214 209 215 222 225 220
% 9 51.5 54.8 54.1 55.4 57.8 56.7 35.8 51.9 47.8 44.4
% 9-8 83.1 87.2 85.9 86.4 86.7 83.7 64 78 75.6 75.6
% 9-7 97 97.8 97.2 98.2 98.2 97.2 83.9 92.7 92.3 91.3
Number with 8 grades 9-8 61 74 67 71 74 72 33 70 81 63
Number with 8 grade 7 136 166 156 162 164 151 46 144 146 130

We were delighted by the academic progress and results of our A level and GCSE cohorts of pupils in 2020 and 2021, however, in line with a clear majority of other schools, we have decided not to publish statistics relating to their public examination results. These 'Covid-19' years were exceptional in terms of pupils’ experience of remote and hybrid learning, and examination content, preparation and grading, and cannot, therefore, be usefully compared to previous years' outcomes. Do refer to our Leavers' Destinations section which further illustrates the success of our cohorts after leaving Dulwich.

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