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Old Alleynian Association

The Old Alleynian Association (formerly the Alleyn Club until 2022) was founded in 1873 and works to benefit Old Alleynians in the following ways:

  • Support and foster the provision of recreational, social and sporting activities.
  • Keep OAs informed of matters of interest to them.
  • Provide financial support for post graduate or a career focused qualification through the OA Endowment Fund
  • Undertake activities that strengthen links between the Club and the College, including support for the College’s academic mission through grants and bursaries

The Association is managed by officers and a committee drawn from the Old Alleynian community and OA clubs and societies.

The Old Alleynian Association Rules

Trevor Llewelyn OA (1972-79)
Secretary of the Old Alleynian Association
+44 (0)20 8299 5335

The Old Alleynian Association Committee

Sir Peter Riddell CBE (1959 - 1966)


Trevor Llewelyn (1972 - 1979)


Nick Howe (1974 - 1980)


Michael Wade (1967 - 1972)

Honorary Treasurer

Kayan Dave (2010 - 2017)
Peter Foord (1972 - 1981)
Matthew Gorvett (2006 - 2013)
Shams Rahman (1984 - 1991)
Nick Robinson (1962 - 1971)
Simon Brown (1969 - 1976)

Vice President

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