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Post War Dulwich Memories

The idea for this project came from discussing when in Dulwich’s history we have ever faced such turmoil and upheaval, and in true Dulwich style, have adapted and made the best of a very difficult period in time. 

We can draw parallels with a post-war Dulwich, in many ways very different with the heavy bombing and physical destruction of parts of the Campus, but dealing with adversity, that remains true. 

We have collected a number of accounts from Old Alleynians who experienced a post-war Dulwich, and we are delighted to share the full transcripts here. 

All the following accounts reflect the general state of South East London in those post-war years, with clear evidence of bomb damage across the site, with direct hits to the squash courts, swimming pool, fives court and the science block. The Barry Buildings were lucky to remain pretty much unscathed with the exception of broken windows.  

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Old Alleynian Association Secretary

Trevor Llewelyn

+44 (0)20 8299 5335