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OA Boat Club

The OA Boat Club is open to all OAs who row or have an interest in rowing, whether they rowed whilst at Dulwich or not. We are always happy to hear from prospective new members, and through our annual newsletter we keep OAs all over the world up to date with the fortunes of the boat club and fellow rowing alumni.

The club has something for every OA who has an interest in rowing with annual social events and reunions, racing with other old boys clubs and the opportunity to give something back to DCBC through donations or coaching.

We also have the generous use of the College boathouse at Putney for outings, either to re- live the Dulwich glory days or to train for your next regatta.

Annual events include:

  • The OABC Annual Dinner, held at the Dyers Hall in the City
  • The Annual OABC reunion at Christmas
  • The DCBC dinner in March
  • The Alleynian Invitational Regatta in September

We also attend Henley Royal Regatta regularly and are invited to many DCBC events such as the Boat Race reception and Quiz Night.

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OA Boat Club President

Mr Tom Saunders (01 - 06)

OA Boat Club Secretary

Mr James Jarratt (04 - 11)

OA Boat Club Treasurer

Mr George Vaizey (95 - 02)

Committee Members

Rushil Patel (00 - 07)Alex Dunning (99 - 05)