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Outings and Expeditions

The Junior School has an exciting and varied programme of trips and educational visits. We strongly believe that this programme of trips enriches the education of our boys and we are committed to providing them with the very best opportunities to put learning in context to enhance their understanding of the world in which they live.

Each year group will take part in at least one trip per term and these are all included in the cost of the annual fees. For instance Year 3 will visit the British Museum and Bay Ponds, boys in Year 4 will visit the theatre and Hampton Court, Year 5 visit Kew Gardens and Southwark Cathedral and Year 6 visit The Imperial War Museum and the Tate Modern. In addition, all boys will take part in at least three residential trips during their time in the Junior School and there is an annual Junior School Ski trip during the first week of the Easter holiday.

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