Day Houses
On entry to the Junior School, a boy will be placed in one of eight Day Houses where he will remain throughout his time at the College. As part of his induction, he will be paired up with an older boy from his House who will act as his ‘buddy’. Boys will be placed in the same House as siblings or relatives who are Old Alleynians.
Each House is looked after by a Housemaster who is a member of staff from the Junior School. Boys from Year 6 act as House Captains and Vice-Captains, and boys may be awarded their House half colours or full colours for making a significant contribution to their House over a sustained period of time. In addition, House Commendations are awarded for particularly impressive effort or achievement in any of the individual House competitions which take place throughout the year.
A wide range of House competitions are held throughout the year which reflects a spread of cultural and sporting events. This includes Cross Country, Art & DT, Public Speaking, Pancake Racing, Chess, Aquathlon and Photography, as well as many others. As well as earning House points for participating in these competitions, they can also earn House points for good work and effort in the classroom. Junior School House meetings take place approximately every fortnight and, once a term, boys will attend a whole College House Meeting with boys from Year 3 to Year 13. Boys also participate in a House lunch once a term, where they have the opportunity to eat with the other boys in their Houses rather than in year groups. This helps to create a strong and cohesive community in which all boys are known and valued.