Music at Dulwich College is for all boys, all the way from DUCKS to the Upper School. In the Junior School, the boys’ budding musical talent is encouraged and developed through a stimulating curriculum and a wide variety of musical ensembles. All music lessons are taught by music specialists at the Music Department and cover a wide variety of genres and techniques. Boys improve their practical musicianship through rhythm and sight-reading work, and often perform together in class ensembles. The boys work to improve their understanding of music theory and apply their knowledge by creating their own musical compositions.
In Years 3 and 4, the boys are introduced to orchestral instruments through our Instrumental Schemes. Boys in Year 3 all study a stringed instrument, learning basic string techniques and musicianship skills. Boys in Year 4 will study either a wind or brass instrument, further developing their musical ears and ability to play together. The schemes each culminate with a group performance highlighting their progress and ability after the year’s study. Boys in each year group also take part in the weekly singing scheme which works to develop their confidence as singers as well as improve tone quality and singing technique. Singing is the core music activity for all the boys throughout their time at the College.
Boys are encouraged to perform regularly throughout the year in a variety of informal and formal concerts. All of our instrumental ensembles are open to boys who want to develop their ensemble and performance skills. Boys who show proficiency in either their instrument or voice may also be invited to join the College’s more senior ensembles and choirs as a way to develop their skills.
- Junior Wind Band
- Purcell String Orchestra
- Guitar Ensemble
- Junior Percussion Club
- Madrigal Choir*
- Chapel Choir*
*by audition