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Design & Technology

The Design Technology workshop is a popular place in the junior school, where pupils are given the opportunity for hands on learning. Each class has a lesson each week, during which the boys develop strong design and practical skills over a range of exciting projects. Each project focuses on one or more of the following areas: materials and structures, mechanisms, textiles, control and electrical systems.

Pupils will follow the design and make process, where they will complete investigations, experiment with their ideas and finally design, plan and make their chosen solutions. Pupils will develop confidence using a range of hand tools in Years 3 and 4, then the use of small powered tools in Years 5 and 6 to manipulate materials such as wood metals and plastics.  Pupils gain a sound understanding of safe workshop practice and good organisational skills.

The projects benefit from strong cross-curricular links, particularly with Science, Maths, ICT and Art. Design Technology is taught by specialist subject teachers in our Junior School Design and Technology workshop and achievements are celebrated with regular displays and through House competitions. There is a Design and Technology Club included in our clubs programme.

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