Regular Routes

Dulwich CollegeAlleyn's SchoolJames Allen's Girls School

DC = Dulwich College
DPL = Dulwich Prep London
JAGS = James Allen's Girls' School
No abbreviation for Alleyn's

Morning departure times can be seen by clicking onto the route links. Afternoon coaches leave at approx 4.05pm for Dulwich College and approx 4.00pm for JAGS/Alleyn's (with the exception of C2 and C6 which depart from DC at 4.05pm and then JAGS at about 4.15pm. Dulwich Prep London students are brought by shuttle bus to Dulwich College in the afternoon to catch their coaches there. Depending on routes, drop off outside Dulwich Prep London in the morning, but some drop off on College Road and are taken to DPL by school minibus. It is essential for parents to explain to their children where to get off in the afternoons/evenings, so as not to confuse them, or the driver. 

Routes/Timetable are subject to change at any time. There will be no W9 from September 2022. Those who need the W9 will have to use the W3. 

Central and South West London

Bromley and Outer London

East and South East London