Pastoral care is fundamental to everything we do at DUCKS. High quality pastoral care is central to the experience we offer. The school feels happy because we know that happy children are successful learners. The pastoral needs of our pupils are our first priority.
Our wellbeing program is designed to teach pupils the importance of collaboration, instill a strong commitment to the school values, and promote safety. DUCKS pupils are encouraged to become responsible citizens and active contributors within our community and beyond.
Our relationship with parents is significant in the success of our pastoral care. Daily communication at drop-off and pick-up, through contact books or by email ensure that we are working together to support our pupils through their early experiences of Kindergarten or School.
Settling In
Starting Kindergarten or School represents a significant change in a child's life and it is important to establish the setting as a friendly and familiar place. The Key Person system gives each child a special adult at DUCKS that they can bond with and turn to.
We offer a home visit, a taster day and a staggered start with plenty of time together in the setting to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible. In the early days we encourage you to come into the classroom with your child and spend as much time as needed to ensure he or she feels secure.
Our welcome pack includes information for you about all aspects of the school, and a child-friendly booklet about the adults in the school and the many activities they can look forward to at DUCKS.
The children's wellbeing is paramount at DUCKS and we pride ourselves on our excellent pastoral care. We want children to feel safe, secure and happy at DUCKS and achieve this through a devoted staff team and a strong home-school partnership.
Good communication is central to our success. Staff are always available at the classroom door and by email and in the Infants’ School a contact book goes home with each child every day. Parents Evenings are held throughout the year, but we also invite our parents to make an appointment at any time that they have something they wish to discuss.
Parents are invited to attend stay and play sessions in the Kindergarten and Nursery each term, and a range of workshops, talks and events are offered throughout the year.
Transitions from one year to another can be daunting for parents and children alike. New adults, new spaces and new experiences await. We plan for each transition careful, in order to make them as smooth as possible.
The transition from the Kindergarten to the Infants' School starts in the Duckling Room as the children have access to the Infants' School PE facilities, specialist music and dance teachers, as well as the school’s well-equipped hall and spacious playing fields. The Infants' School staff visit the Kindergarten several times throughout the year to observe and carry out activities with the Duckling Room children. During the summer term, all the Duckling Room children visit Pre-Reception to spend time in their new classroom and to become familiar with their teachers and teaching assistants. These visits are arranged in small groups giving the children time to explore their new environment. By the end of their time in the Duckling Room, children are confident in their social and learning skills and ready to embark on the next stage of their school lives.
Within the Infants' School children have chances to work with other children and staff from all year groups on House days and other events. In the Summer term, they attend 'Moving Up Day' to meet their new teacher and the teacher will also spend time with them in their current classroom as part of a thorough handover with the previous teacher. Each year group builds on the last, and the progression from one class to another will feel like a natural step for which the children are ready.
Moving to a new school for Year 3 is the final transition from DUCKS (See After Ducks). No matter which school a child moves on to, they will be well prepared and the handover carefully managed. Children leave us confident, articulate and sociable; ready to make new friends, learn new skills and continue onto the next stage of their learning journey.
Wraparound Care
Before and After School care is available from 8.00am until 5pm in the Kindergarten, and 5.45pm in the Infants' School. Children who join us at 8.00am are offered breakfast and a chance to play before going to their normal room for the school day.
After school, children are given a light tea and further relaxation and playtime in a familiar environment.
Before and After School Care can be booked termly in advance, or on an ad hoc basis. There is an extra charge for Before and After School Care.