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Forest School and Specialist Teaching

Forest School

Girl holding up a large hoop in the orchard


The philosophy of Forest School is to encourage and inspire children through outdoor play and learning in a woodland setting.

Forest School uses the woods and forests as a means to build independence and self-esteem in children. The opportunity to learn through nature sees children flourish in a range of skills, not least language and literacy. The natural environment gives children an opportunity to take measured risks, collaborate with peers, design their own challenges and problem-solve.

At DUCKS, we have a beautiful orchard where children in the Early Years go to Forest School on a weekly basis with our Forest School leader. Activities might include making a bird feeder, building a den, or digging a trench for a dragon.

Children in Key Stage 1 also make use of this facility and can work, plan, investigate and learn in the orchard over a range of different topics, the most popular being the opportunity to toast marshmallows on a camp fire.

Specialist Teaching

Two children playing ukuleles in music lesson

Whilst children remain with their class teacher for most of the school day throughout DUCKS, we also have a number of specialist teachers.


Music and performance are important at DUCKS. All children learn music in whole class lessons each week, as well as having a weekly singing together session. Pupils also have the opportunity to take one-to-one instrumental lessons in piano, violin or 'cello.

There is a wealth of research that proves the benefits of singing on our health and wellbeing, so singing lies at the heart of the music curriculum at DUCKS. Each year group sings in concerts and assemblies, and there are annual year group performances such as the Nativity and our Year 2 Play. These are important milestones for our pupils, many of whom may be performing in front of an audience for the first time. The opportunity to perform is important for confidence building, developing our musicianship and encouraging team spirit.

Year 2 swimming team wrapped in towels poolside

Physical Education (PE)

Physical Education is an essential part of our curriculum, with children participating in two lessons each week led by our specialist PE teacher, in addition to a weekly swimming lesson beginning in Reception. Along with building crucial motor skills and athletic abilities, these lessons foster a healthy perspective on competition, teamwork, and fair play.


Madame Sonia, our French teacher, works with all the children in the Infants' School each week. Children experience an active approach to language learning and develop a good ear and the confidence to speak out in French through songs, games and stories.

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