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Science Week at DUCKS: A spectacular journey into the world of Science

Science Week at DUCKS: A spectacular journey into the world of Science

DUCKS has just wrapped up an extraordinary first week Science Week, filled with awe-inspiring demonstrations and hands-on experiments that captivated both students and teachers alike.

The week kicked off on Monday 3 June with a thrilling assembly featuring Ernie, a camouflaged chameleon, and a tarantula named Angela. The children were fascinated as they learned about the unique characteristics and habitats of these remarkable creatures.

On Tuesday it was time for explosive experiments, teachers from Dulwich College visited DUCKS and showcased a series of mind-blowing experiments. The children watched in amazement as gigantic 'elephant's toothpaste' overflowed, a bin exploded with ping pong balls, and metal melted, creating a dazzling, bright light.

Wednesday's excitement took place in the Science Laboratory on the main Dulwich College campus. Here, children experienced the wonders of liquid nitrogen by freezing roses and bananas, then smashing them into hundreds of tiny pieces. Creativity soared as pupils designed monsters from sweets and launched rockets using bicarbonate of soda and vinegar, igniting their passion for physics.

Thursday was designated as a free-learning day, with the entire Infants' School community participating in a rotation of experiments throughout the school. Pupils explored the unique properties of Oobleck, a substance that behaves as both a liquid and a solid, created electrical circuits, crafted rain clouds in cups, witnessed erupting 'volcanoes,' and constructed balloon rockets and catapults. The sheer delight and curiosity on the children's faces were a testament to the success of the activities.

Science Week at DUCKS was a resounding success, sparking curiosity and excitement in young minds. The diverse range of experiments and activities not only educated but also inspired pupils, laying the foundation for a lifelong interest in science. The hands-on experiences and captivating demonstrations provided an unforgettable journey into the fascinating world of science.

Children take part in Science Week activities
Children take part in Science Week activities
Children take part in Science Week activities
Children take part in Science Week activities

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