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DUCKS celebrates Ramadan with special assembly

DUCKS celebrates Ramadan with special assembly

DUCKS Infant School held an assembly on Monday 25 March to honour the occasion of the month of Ramadan. The entire school community came together displaying inclusivity while developing appreciation for different cultures and traditions. 

An atmosphere of respect filled the assembly hall as DUCKS welcomed back one of its own, Zaki Kabir—an esteemed former pupil, now a Year 13 student at Dulwich College—to lead the proceedings. With pride and enthusiasm, the student shared how he and his family observe Ramadan, using personal anecdotes and reflections. 

Several DUCKS families shared their experiences and traditions associated with Ramadan. From heart-warming stories to enlightening explanations of customs and practices, including prayer beads and mat, each contribution added depth and understanding to the celebration. The assembly served not only as an educational opportunity but also fostered empathy through highlighting the importance of thinking and giving to others, and sharing love with family. 

Ramadan at DUCKS demonstrates the school's dedication to nurturing an environment where every individual feels valued and respected.

Year 13 student with four DUCKS pupils at Ramadan assembly


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