Ri Saturday Maths Masterclasses
Our Maths Masterclasses are conducted in collaboration with The Royal Institution, an independent charity dedicated to connecting people with the world of science.
Our Aims
Sessions from external presenters have included topics such as Mathematical Origami, which was beautifully linked to careers in product design and even the folding of solar panels on the James Webb Telescope; Magical Mathematics; and an exploration of algorithms, engaging participants with hands-on activities like moving frogs and multiplying numbers.
Participating Secondary Schools
- Bonus Pastor College
- Charter Bermondsey
- Charter East
- City Heights E-ACT Academy
- Elmgreen
- Forest Hill
- Harris Boys’ East Dulwich
- South Bank University Academy
- Sutton Grammar
- Sydenham
To find out more please contact:
Laura Balzanella
Domestic Partnerships Officer