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The Archives

The Dulwich College Archive exists to collect, catalogue, index and preserve records of all kinds relating to the history of the College and to make them available to current staff and pupils, and to internal and external researchers.

It is a living archive that adds modern records and follows the careers of Alleynians when they leave the College.Our aim is to use the Archive as much as possible in the curriculum and to share it through exhibitions and loans to other institutions.

The Archive also houses the Fellows’ Library which contains among other treasures: a copy of Shakespeare’s First Folio, a Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493, a Mercator’s Atlas and tracts from the English Civil War. We also own the Reading collection of manuscript music of the eighteenth century, Court Rolls from 1333 and the papers of the Dulwich College Estate from 1619 until recent times. There are also materials connected with Sir Ernest Shackleton and other famous Old Alleynians including manuscripts and letters of P.G Wodehouse.

The Archive is open to researchers by prior arrangement. Appointments are available in term time only on Wednesdays from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Please note that while research may be undertaken for enquirers, a charge will be made. Photography can be arranged, but its cost must be paid in advance. Please contact Mrs Calista Lucy to make a booking.

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Mrs Calista M Lucy BA MCLIP

Keeper of the Archives
Telephone: 020 8299 9201

Mr Freddie Witts MA MLitt
