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Adrian JS Carr (OA)

Chair of Governors

Adrian JS Carr PhD (OA) 

Chair of EducAid, NED of Volta Capital, Chair of credit committee for LEAP Trust. Formerly Managing Director at Credit Suisse and with previous roles at Paribas and JP Morgan.

Dulwich College: Chair of Governors, and Director of Dulwich College Enterprises Limited and Dulwich College Enterprises Overseas Limited.
Appointed Governor: August 2019.

Randa Hanna

Vice Chair of Governors

Randa Hanna BA AA dipl RIBA

Architect experienced in the building and planning industry with a commitment to sustainability and environmental sensibility. Dulwich College parent.

Dulwich College: Governor, Chair of the Property & Operations Committee.
Appointed Governor: August 2018.

Fred Binka (OA)

Fred Binka (OA)

Finance professional and Senior Advisor to an Ed Tech start-up. Co-Founder and Managing Partner of a Sub-Saharan Africa focused financial services firm with offices in the ECOWAS and COMESA
regions. Prior to this, roles at a US headquartered hedge fund, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs.

Dulwich College: Governor, member of the Social Impact and Finance committees.
Appointed Governor: August 2021

Ben Dean (OA)

Ben Dean BA and MProf (OA)

A senior civil servant who has held numerous roles across Government including within the Home Office, Foreign Office and No10. Currently at the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport as Director of Sport and Gambling. 

Dulwich College: Governor, member of the Property & Operations Committee. Appointed Governor: August 2021.

 Keri Elborn

Keri Elborn BA FCA

Financial Services professional, covering banks and insurers globally. Dulwich College parent.

Dulwich College: Governor, Chair of the Finance Committee.
Appointed Governor: August 2019.

Karen Fowler

Karen Fowler MA

Former Head of Michael Faraday School, designated a National Support School. Appointed a National Leader of Education (NLE) in 2010. A Headteacher in Southwark schools for 30 years, provides advice and support to other schools and a Trustee of It's All About the Music, a charity dedicated to providing excellence in the Arts, and especially music, to the children of Southwark.

Dulwich College: Governor, member of the Education and Safeguarding Committees.
Appointed Governor in January 2019

Howard Kerr

Howard Kerr MA MBA

Former Chief Executive of The British Standards Institution (BSI) and formerly part of the Oil & Gas and Shipping industries in Asia Pacific, the Middle East and continental Europe. A Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a regular business contributor to the Speakers for Schools charity. Dulwich College former parent.

Dulwich CollegeGovernor and member of the Finance Committee, Chair of Dulwich College Enterprises Limited and director of Dulwich College Enterprises Overseas Limited.
Appointed Governor: August 2019.

David Parfitt

David Parfitt

Film, Television and Theatre Producer, local resident and Dulwich College former parent.

Dulwich College: Governor, member of the Social Impact and Property & Operations Committees; Staff Liaison Governor.
Appointed Governor: January 2018.

Catherine Polli

Catherine Polli LLB

Client Services Partner at Pinney Talfourd, leading the Family Law Department. A member of Resolution and Blackheath Preparatory School’s PTFA Committee. Dulwich College parent.

Dulwich College: Boarding Governor, member of the Safeguarding and Finance Committees.
Appointed Governor: August 2019.

Tim Pethybridge

Tim Pethybridge

Founding partner, and Chief Risk Officer at Farm Street Partners, Trustee of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, Governor and Co-Chair at the Paddock School in Wandsworth for Children with severe learning difficulties.

Dulwich College: Governor, Chair of the Investment Committee, member of the Finance and Social Impact Committees.
Appointed Governor: December 2015.

Malik Ramadhan (OA)

Malik Ramadhan OBE (OA)

Malik is Divisional Director, Emergency Care and Trauma, at The Royal London Hospital, one of London’s largest hospitals and part of Barts NHS Trust, where he has worked as consultant since 2008. Dulwich College parent.  

Dulwich CollegeChair of the Safeguarding Committee.
Appointed Governor: August 2019.

Kirsty Rutter

Kirsty Rutter BSc ACMA

Fintech Investment Director, Lloyds Banking Group.  Formerly Managing Director, Global Innovation at Barclays Bank;  Managing Director, Head of Strategy, Risk & Control for Finance, Treasury, Operations and Technology at Credit Suisse; Head of Strategy, Barclays Corporate Bank & EMEA Investment Bank.  Dulwich College parent.  

Dulwich College: Governor, member of the Finance and Property & Operations Committees.

Appointed Governor: August 2021.

Professor Alexander Teytelboym (OA)

Professor Alexander Teytelboym BSc, MPhil, DPhil (OA)

Professor of Economics at the University of Oxford, Tutorial Fellow at St Catherine’s College, Oxford and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School.  

Dulwich College: Governor, member of the Education Committee

Appointed Governor: August 2023.

Nic Weatherhead

Nic Weatherhead BSc MCIPD

VP, People Operations at The Stepstone Group, former Director of Talent at Google, and experienced HR leader and talent advisor. Dulwich College parent.

Dulwich College: Governor, Chair of the Social Impact Committee, Director of Dulwich College Enterprises Overseas Limited.
Appointed Governor: August 2023.

Special Adviser to the Board of Governors of Dulwich College

Sir John Ritblat FRICS Hon FRIBA (OA)
Special Adviser on Property Matters. Sir John is invited to attend all meetings of the Property Committee and is sent all Property Committee papers. He retired as a Governor of the College in 2008 and was then appointed as a “Special Adviser”.

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Ms K Jones LLB

Clerk to the Governors

Ms S White

PA Governance and Finance
Dulwich College
Dulwich Common
London SE21 7LD
United Kingdom
020 8299 9306

To contact a governor, please telephone or email