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Art in the junior school is designed to stimulate creativity and a love of the subject through a broad range of experiences. The curriculum is based on the national curriculum but is extended to offer our pupils a wider subject knowledge and adapted to suit their academic profile.

The curriculum is planned and written by subject specialists who teach all of the lessons. All boys learn Art each week in a specially designed Art and Design studio. Each year pupils will work through a range of topics designed to further their skill set. Each pupil keeps a sketchbook to document their progress throughout the year and help to record their personal achievements. Themes in the Art room vary; one term may link closely to their broader curriculum such as a class reader in English or Tudor portraits linking with their History topic. Other terms may be designed with a particular artist or exhibition in mind. Pupils will experience a minimum of three schemes which will cover a range of disciplines.

Pupils explore the subject through regular drawing and painting, plus extend their own work using printing, weaving, collage, felt making, plaster and clay. Regular displays of the boys’ work allow them to share their achievements with others. House competitions add extension and excitement to the boys’ efforts. A flourishing Art Club is enthusiastically attended by many of the boys.

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